Week 12

What did you do this past week

This week, my IDB group finished phase 3. The front-end team used group 3’s API by using an angular module called angular-chart.js to create different charts and graphs of group 3’s APi. We also implemented the front-end aspect of the search feature. The whole team worked on the speakerdeck presentation. We also worked on our extra credit presentation on python loggers.

What’s in your way?

I have two exams on the very last day of class. One in SWE and one in my security class. I also have a project due for Software Design due in the last week as well. It’s going to be a tough last week of the semester but I know I can pull it off.

What will you do next week

This week, I will be focusing on working on my Software Design project with my teammate. For this class, I will be reviewing some SQL materials to prepare for the exam.

This class

This week, we finished up on refactorings. We learned about factory classes and the prototype pattern. I already knew about factory classes from my Software Design class. It is good knowing that I am learning material that can be applied to many classes.

Tip of the week

I am looking to buy a macbook laptop because I will be taking the iOS mobile computing class. I found a website that sells cheap refurbished mac products. The website is MacOfAllTrades. It has good reviews and it seems to be a reputable website.

Written on April 23, 2017